Windows menu Use this menu to make different NetMinder Ethernet windows active. Interprets the data as a remote procedure call as defined by Sun Micorsystems. Choose this if you are monitoring conversations between an NFS client and its server. Interprets this packet as a plain UDP packet without further interpretation. Choose this if you are monitoring UDP conversations other than conversations between an NFS client and its server. Displays the clock time at which each packet was received. Displays time elapsed between packets in hundredths of milliseconds (tens of microseconds). Not available because NetMinder cannot access the Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA) on this machine. Displays time elapsed between packets in hundredths of milliseconds (tens of microseconds). The timer used by this setting has a resolution of 1.28 microseconds. Displays time elapsed between packets in milliseconds. The timer used by this setting has a resolution of 1/60 of a second (about 16 ms). Displays statistics data as a function of the number of bytes received. Displays statistics data as a function of the number of packets received. Displays the source address stored in the network layer header. Displays the source address stored in the datalink layer (Ethernet) header. Sort protcols by percentage of data collected of that protocol. Sort protocols by name. Sort addresses by percentage of data transmitted (sent) by that node. Sort addresses by percentage of data received by that node. Sort addresses by name. Finds an Ethernet packet containing a datalink error. Not available because there is no data to search or because NetMinder is not finished collecting the data. Finds an Ethernet packet containing a datalink error. Repeats the last search operation. Not available because there is no data to search or because NetMinder is not finished collecting the data. Repeats the last Find Pattern, Find Node, or Find Filter operation. Finds an Ethernet packet matching a specified filter. Not available because there is no data to search or because NetMinder is not finished collecting the data. Finds an Ethernet packet matching a specified filter. Finds an Ethernet packet containing the datalink address of a specified Ethernet node. Not available because there is no data to search or because NetMinder is not finished collecting the data. Finds an Ethernet packet containing the datalink address of a specified Ethernet node. Finds an Ethernet packet containing a specified pattern of characters. Not available because there is no data to search or because NetMinder is not finished collecting the data. Finds an Ethernet packet containing a specified pattern of characters. Search menu Use this menu to find particular Ethernet packets. Flag only those unusual network conditions that Packet Inference detects which are of high priority importance. Flag only those unusual network conditions that Packet Inference detects which are of high and medium importance. Flag all unusual network conditions that Packet Inference detects. Displays the protocol type stored in the transport layer header. Displays the protocol type stored in the network layer header. Displays the protocol type stored in the datalink layer (Ethernet) header. Edits the mapping of names to AppleTalk addresses. Edits the mapping of names to IP addresses. Edits the mapping of protocol names to non-802.2-compliant protocol types. Edits the mapping of names to Ethernet addresses. Selects an Ethernet interface for data collection. Not available because NetMinder Ethernet is collecting data. Selects an Ethernet interface for data collection. Sets options controlling data display, such as mapping names to addresses and statistics update times. Sets options controlling data collection. Not available because NetMinder Ethernet is collecting data. Sets options controlling data collection, such as packet slicing, circular data buffering, and saving data when buffer is full. Sets a trigger condition for starting data collection. Not available because NetMinder Ethernet is collecting data. Sets a trigger condition for starting data collection. Options menu Use this menu to change the way NetMinder Ethernet collects and displays data. Create a filter for NetWare SNAP data. These are data that contain $aa$aa$03$00$00$81$37 as the first bytes after the Ethernet header. Create a filter for NetWare Ethernet Type II data. These are data that contain $8137 as the protocol type in the Ethernet header. Create a filter for NetWare 802.3 data. These are data that contain $ff$ff as the first bytes after the Ethernet header. Create a filter for NetWare 802.2 data. These are data that contain $e0$e0$03 as the first bytes after the Ethernet header. Displays information about NetMinder Ethernet's version, buffer size, and network interface. Click the logo for information on how to contact Neon Software.